The Suntory Tohoku Sun-Sun Project

Activities to Support the Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake

The Suntory Group is expanding its support for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Immediately after the earthquake, the Suntory Group provided 1 million bottles of mineral water as emergency relief supplies and donated ¥300 million to the three affected prefectures. We also worked to provide support for the reconstruction with contributions equivalent to a total of 10.8 billion yen: 4 billion yen in 2011, 2 billion yen in 2012, 2.5 billion yen in 2013, and 2 billion yen in 2014.
The Suntory Group launched the "Suntory Tohoku Sun-Sun Project" and actively continues its support activities with focus on "Support Recovery of the Fishing Industry," "Youth Support Initiatives," "Challenged Sports," and "Support through Culture, the Arts, and Sports" with the hope to bring warm light like the sunshine, and smiles and joy to disaster affected areas.
We support the purchase of fishing vessels, fishing equipment and fixed fishing nets to assist the early recovery of the fishing industry. We award grants to students at fisheries high schools, provide a safe and secure environment for children to learn and play such as childcare facilities, and support NPOs that help children such as Save the Children Japan. We engage in other various cultural and sports activities to bring smiles and joy.
Since 2014, we have been providing support for Challenged Sports in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures, based on our desire to deliver hopes and dreams. We will donate the equivalent of 1 billion yen over the period of six years focusing on Challenged Athlete Subsidy aimed at supporting individual athletes and organizations, Challenged Sports Academy aimed at providing opportunities mainly for children to experience challenged sports and engage with athletes, and Challenged Sports Training Support aimed at popularizing, strengthening and supporting them.
In February 2021, thinking that there must be something we can do to help the efforts of these people in Tohoku, we started the “Mirai Challenge Program.” To help build the future of Tohoku, this program will provide support through grants to people working toward regional revitalization in the prefectures of Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima.

The Suntory Tohoku Sun-Sun Project since 2011

Result of Support

Recovery Support for the Fishing Industry

Donating to the reconstruction of the prefectures' fishing industries

To support early reconstruction through the auspices of prefectural governments, Suntory donated ¥3.0 billion to Miyagi Prefecture and ¥2.5 billion to Iwate Prefecture

  • Donating to the reconstruction of the prefectures' fishing industries
  • Donating to the reconstruction of the prefectures' fishing industries
Support to cover costs of acquiring fishing vessels

To ease the burden on fishermen, the Suntory Group is acting through the auspices of Miyagi Prefecture and Iwate Prefecture to shoulder a portion of the costs to acquire new fishing vessels. The Group is supporting the restoration of about 10,000 vessels of all sizes and types, from deep-sea tuna vessels to squid fishing vessels

Amount of support to cover costs of acquiring fishing vessels
Approx. 10,000 ships

Support to cover costs of acquiring fishing vessels
Support to cover costs of acquiring fishing vessels
Support to restore fishing-related facilities

Donations for the reconstruction of the fishing industry in Miyagi Prefecture and Iwate Prefecture are also used in the restoration of fixed fishing nets and aquaculture facilities

Amount of support for fishing vessels
Approx. 1,100 locations

Amount of support for fixed shore nets
Approx. 400 locations

Support to restore fishing-related facilities

Youth Support Initiatives

Scholarships for fisheries high schools

For five years beginning in 2012, the Suntory Group is providing free scholarships to disaster affected students at seven fisheries high schools

Number of scholarship recipients (total)
Approx. 3,000

Scholarships for fisheries high schools
Support for building a place for children in Fukushima to learn and play

We build childcare facilities, hold workshops conducted by various Suntory Group companies, provide training for instructors, excursions, etc. so that children in Fukushima Prefecture can learn and play in safety

Number of childcare facilities built
5 facilities

Number of outdoor activity participants
such as summer camps
Approx. 8,800

Support for building a place for children in Fukushima to learn and play
Support for building a place for children in Fukushima to learn and play
Providing assistance to NPOs that support the children of Fukushima

We provide three year aid for organizations that provide intensive support to children in Fukushima Prefecture who have been living in evacuation centers for long period of time

Number of organizations that were
awarded grants
57 organizations

Providing assistance to NPOs that support the children of Fukushima
Construction of Ishinomaki City Children's Center "Raitsu" and Yamada Fureai Center "Hapine"

We provided aid for the total cost of construction for the Ishinomaki City Children's Center "Raitsu" (Miyagi Prefecture) and Yamada Fureai Center "Hapine" (Iwate Prefecture) facilities that were planned and designed by the children

Number of Ishinomaki City Children's
Center "Raitsu" users annually
Approx. 3,300

Number of Yamada Fureai Center
"Hapine" users annually
Approx. 67,000

Construction of Ishinomaki City Children's Center "Raitsu" and Yamada Fureai Center "Hapine"
Cooperative program through music with the TOMODACHI Initiative

We are supporting students in disaster affected areas to attend music school in the United States with the cooperation of the TOMODACHI Initiative led by the US Embassy and U.S.-Japan Council. In the TOMODACHI Suntory Fukushima Mirai Music Program, we provide opportunities for the music club of Fukushima Futaba Mirai Gakuen High School to learn at workshops conducted by the New York Philharmonic orchestra in the United States

Approx. $1,000,000

Cooperative program through music with the TOMODACHI Initiative

Supporting Challenged Sports

Challenged sports experience classroom

We have been holding classes where children from Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima prefectures can experience playing various Challenged Sports together with challenged athletes from the Tohoku region

Number of participants
Approx. 1,000

Supporting Challenged Sports
Visits by athletes

Athletes visit schools to provide children at elementary schools and junior high schools in areas affected by the disaster to allow them to experience wheelchair basketball and conduct boccia experience activities at special needs schools

Number of participants
Approx. 4,646

Visits by athletes
Challenged athlete subsidy

We provide grants to individuals and organizations as a way to support the training of athletes on par with global standards and to develop and popularize challenged sports

Total 294 people

Total 129 teams

(As of January 2020)

Challenged athlete subsidy
Challenged sports training support

We support strengthening the base and improving the environment of Challenged Sports through renovating public facilities and donating sports wheelchairs in order to develop and popularize them
Hosting introductory workshops for wheelchair sports to cultivate challenged sports coaches in each prefecture

Sports wheelchairs

STT table-tennis tables

Facility renovations
3 locations

Introductory Workshop to Wheelchair Sports
Held13 times

Challenged sports training support

Support through Culture, the Arts and Sports

Vienna Philharmonic & Suntory Music Aid Fund

Together with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Suntory is providing aid for music-related initiatives and is bringing concerts to the disaster affected areas

The number of attendees at Concerts for Kids
Approx. 14,000

Performance held by Vienna Philharmonic
& Suntory Music Aid Award activities
128 organizations

Vienna Philharmonic & Suntory Music Aid Fund
Vienna Philharmonic & Suntory Music Aid Fund
Suntory and Japan Kogei Association Omoshiro Bijutsu Classroom in Tohoku

The Suntory Group conducted visit to schools by designated Preservers of Important Intangible Cultural Properties (also known as Living National Treasures) and other traditional handicraft artists

Number of participants in the Omoshiro
Bijutsu Classroom
Approx. 1,200

Suntory and Japan Kogei Association Omoshiro Bijutsu Classroom in Tohoku
Suntory Museum of Art Traveling Exhibition

We hold exhibitions of Japanese art with items in the collection of Suntory Museum of Art in Sendai City and Koriyama City

Number of visitors
Approx. 14,000

Suntory Museum of Art Traveling Exhibition
Michinoku Wind Orchestra

We operate a project which provides an opportunity for junior high and high school brass band members in disaster-affected areas to ultimately perform at Suntory Hall afterpractice.

Number of participants
Approx. 350

Michinoku Wind Orchestra
Music for Everyone Concert held by Suntory and the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra

Touring concerts were held for disaster affected area in Tohoku from 2016 through collaboration with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra centrally located in Sendai.

Number of participants
Approx. 5,000

Music for Everyone Concert held by Suntory and the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra
Inviting the people from the disaster affected areas to cultural and sports events

We invited the people from the disaster affected areas to cultural events, such as Suntory Presents Beethoven's 9th with a Cast of 10,000, and sports events, such as Suntory Dream Match and international rugby match

Number of visitors to cultural events
Approx. 9,400

Number of visitors to sporting events
Approx. 21,500

Inviting the people from the disaster affected areas to cultural and sports events
Inviting the people from the disaster affected areas to cultural and sports events
Holding sports workshops

Each year we hold volleyball, rugby and baseball workshops led by Suntory’s sports teams in disaster affected areas

Sports workshop participants and
competition attendees
Approx. 6,200

Holding sports workshops
Holding sports workshops
Holding sports workshops

Mirai Challenge Program

Thinking that there must be something we can do to help the efforts of these people in Tohoku, we started the “Mirai Challenge Program”

This new program will award a total of approximately
100 million JPY over
three years from July 2021 to June 2024 (approx. 30 million JPY per year) to groups or individuals seeking to start new projects to revitalize the local community in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures.
In 2022, as Phase1 and Phase2, we support 74 challenges.

Mirai Challenge Program

Activities to Support the Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake (Japanese only)

Mirai Challenge Program (Japanese only)

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