The circular system consisting from plants and forests nurtured by water, rivers, oceans, atmosphere, and the ecosystem made by living things are the basis of all life.
As a company that delivers the blessings of water and nature to our customers, we believe that protecting beautiful and clean water with healthy ecosystems, using them appropriately, and replenishing to nature is a great responsibility. As a member of the Suntory Group, Suntory Beverage & Food (“the Company”) strives to build a prosperous and sustainable world by preserving and regenerating the natural environment and reducing environmental impact.
The Suntory Group Environmental Principles (established in 1997, revised in 2022) clearly define priority issues, including achieving water security, conserving and regenerating biodiverse ecosystems, promoting a circular economy and transitioning to a net-zero carbon society. To fulfill the principles, Suntory Beverage & Food addresses these issues, values communication with society, and works together with stakeholders to build a sustainable society.
At the Suntory Group, environmental management is at the core of our business strategy.
In our commitment to cultivating a sustainable and vibrant society now and in the future, these environmental principles inform the actions we take each day across our entire value chain.
Water is the most vital resource for our business. At Suntory, we aim to become net water positive by using water carefully and localizing water stewardship to contribute to nature’s healthy water cycle.
Thriving water and agricultural systems are crucial to our business. We strive to protect and regenerate biodiversity through local water source conservation and sustainable agricultural practices.
To effectively reduce waste and efficiently utilize limited resources, we imbed sustainable principles throughout the lifecycle of our products, promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) for all raw materials, use renewable resources when available, and collaborate with stakeholders to build a fundamentally circular system.
In the face of climate change, we are doing our part to achieve a net-zero carbon society by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain.
To achieve a vibrant global environment, we are championing the transformation to a sustainable society by collaborating with our stakeholders, deepening dialogues with local communities, and transparently disclosing our progress.
To promote sustainability management, the Sustainability Committee acts as an advisory committee to the Company’s Board of Directors. The sustainability strategies and the progress on priority themes (water, greenhouse gases, containers and packaging, raw ingredients, health, human rights and enriching life) are discussed by the Sustainability Committee under the lead of the Chief Sustainability Officer. The progress of environmental and social activities as well as business risks and opportunities are reported to the Board of Directors twice a year. In addition, the Board of Directors is provided with the opportunities to hear advice from third-party experts on sustainability management.
Suntory Beverage & Food’s sustainability management promotion organization
The Suntory Group, which includes the Company, has established the Environmental Vision toward 2050 and Environmental Targets toward 2030 to provide clear direction for its environmental management. Engaging in greater efforts to address global issues and help build a sustainable world, in April 2021 the Group revised its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets in the Environmental Targets toward 2030, and in December 2021, it revised the water targets.
Environmental Vision toward 2050
Water Sustainability
Climate Change Measures
Continue to promote energy conservation, proactively implement renewable energy solutions, utilize next-generation infrastructure options and work together with stakeholders across the value chain in order to contribute to realizing a decarbonized society
Environmental Targets toward 2030
Suntory Beverage & Food’s FY2023 Results
Water Sustainability
Climate Change Measures
Suntory Beverage & Food generates various by-products and waste from a wide range of business activities. We are committed to reducing environmental impact by quantitatively understanding our impact on the planet throughout a product's life cycle — from planning and development to disposal and recycling. In addition, following the expansion of business overseas, we assess the environmental impact of overseas production sites to determine the environmental impact on a global scale. We actively communicate with suppliers throughout the entire supply chain.
In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations (such as the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures and the Energy Conservation Act in Japan), each of the Company’s plant is committed to environmental management by setting voluntary standards for wastewater treatment, boiler facilities and other environmental facilities that are equal to or more stringent than those set by laws and regulations.
In 2022, no serious accidents or violations affecting environmental pollution occurred.
Suntory Beverage & Food has actively advanced the acquisition of the international ISO 14001 certification standard at each Group company as one method to continually evolve by integrating business and environmental activities. With the completion in acquiring the integrated certification and the start of operations at Group companies in Japan, we are working to enhance management to abide by laws at sites with a low environmental impact and conduct even more efficient environmental management with these sites as targets from 2017. We are in the process of obtaining certifications at overseas Group companies with focus on our production sites. As of March 31, 2023, approximately 70% of the production sites operated by Suntory Beverage & Food Group companies outside Japan have acquired ISO 14001 certification. We are enhancing the links between each department involved with the business value chain to ensure that all or our business activities take into consideration environmental perspectives, in every stage from the procurement of ingredients to disposal.
ISO 14001 Certification List (as of March 1, 2023)
In 2018, the Suntory Okudaisen Bunanomori Water Plant (Tottori Prefecture) received the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certification as the first Japanese facility. The Suntory Kyushu Kumamoto Plant (Kumamoto Prefecture) followed in 2019 and the Suntory Minami Alps Hakushu Water Plant (Yamanashi Prefecture) was also certified in 2021. In 2023, the Suntory Kyushu Kumamoto Plant has received “Platinum,” the highest rating within the AWS certification.
Achieving the AWS Certification for Water Stewardship
Suntory Beverage & Food promotes environmental education to raise employees' environmental awareness. We implemented various environmental education initiatives including e-learning for all our employees in Japan and sharing information on the Intranet. In addition, we regularly hold workshops and seminars to learn specific skills that are required in each operation. We also have started online program on sustainability management that can be taken by all employees globally.
For details on environmental training results, see Data List.
Seminar on managing Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act
We collect primary data on GHG emissions from suppliers and aggregate Scope 3 emissions. We also use Sedex, the world’s largest platform for sharing ethical supply chain data, to understand environmental impacts by suppliers and conduct risk management regarding the environment. In a collaborative effort with business partners to minimize environmental impact across the entire supply chain, we hold annual policy briefings for major raw material suppliers, contract manufacturers, and logistics partners. We introduce the Suntory Group’s environmental goals and performance, and support suppliers in setting GHG reduction targets and advancing further initiatives.
Rigorously Engaging in Fair and Equitable Business Practices with Suppliers
Improving Cooperation with Business Partners Conducting Risk Assessment Using Sedex
For more information, see Climate Action in the Environment section.
As a member of Suntory Group, the Company participates in the World Economic Forum (WEF). In the environmental field, the Suntory Group has joined the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders and signs joint statements on climate change policy released annually ahead of COP meetings.
The Company obtains third-party assurance for data on: water usage/wastewater volume; energy consumption; and greenhouse gas emissions by KPMG AZSA Sustainability Co., Ltd. Third-party assurance reports are posted on the Suntory Group website.