Alcoholic Beverages and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Topic | Accounting Metric | Code | Response |
Energy Management | (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable | FB-AB-130a.1 |
Water Management | (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-AB-140a.1 FB-NB-140a.1 |
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks | FB-AB-140a.2 FB-NB-140a.2 |
Responsible Drinking & Marketing | Percentage of total advertising impressions made on individuals at or above the legal drinking age | FB-AB-270a.1 | ー |
Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labeling and/or marketing codes | FB-AB-270a.2 | Appropriate Information Disclosure > Voluntary Recalls | |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with marketing and/or labeling practices | FB-AB-270a.3 | ー | |
Description of efforts to promote responsible consumption of alcohol | FB-AB-270a.4 | Responsible Drinking | |
Packaging Lifecycle Management | (1) Total weight of packaging, (2) percentage made from recycled and/or renewable materials, and (3) percentage that is recyclable, reusable, and/or compostable | FB-AB-410a.1 FB-NB-270a.1 |
(1) (2) Despite not aligning with the metrics recommended by SASB standards, the following information is provided as alternative data.
Packaging & Resource Efficiency > Promoting waste reduction and recycling
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging throughout its lifecycle | FB-AB-410a.2 FB-NB-270a.2 | Packaging & Resource Efficiency | |
Environmental & Social Impacts of Ingredient Supply Chain | Suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility audit (1) non-conformance rate and (2) associated corrective action rate for (a) major and (b) minor non-conformances | FB-AB-430a.1 FB-NB-430a.1 |
Although we do not disclose data, we have established The Suntory Group's Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement, which is based on the six pillars - legal compliance, human rights and labor standards, quality, environment, information security, and the coexistence with society, and we have informed our suppliers of this policy. In addition, we are working to promote sustainable procurement through supplier engagement and awareness-raising activities. Respect for Human Rights |
Ingredient Sourcing | Percentage of beverage ingredients sourced from regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress | FB-AB-440a.1 FB-NB-440a.1 |
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List of priority beverage ingredients and description of sourcing risks due to environmental and social considerations | FB-AB-440a.2 FB-NB-440a.2 |
Sustainable Procurement > Activities for Stable Procurement of Raw Ingredients | |
Fleet Fuel Management | Fleet fuel consumed, percentage renewable | FB-NB-110a.1 | ー |
Energy Management | (1) Operational energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable | FB-NB-130a.1 | The following data includes the energy consumed by the fleet.
Health & Nutrition | Revenue from (1) zero- and low-calorie, (2) no-added-sugar, and (3) artificially sweetened beverages | FB-NB-260a.1 | ー |
Discussion of the process to identify and manage products and ingredients related to nutritional and health concerns among consumers | FB-NB-260a.2 | ||
Product Labeling & Marketing | Percentage of advertising impressions (1) made on children and (2) made on children promoting products that meet dietary guidelines | FB-NB-270a.1 | ー |
Revenue from products labeled as (1) containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and (2) non-GMO | FB-NB-270a.2 | ー | |
Number of incidents of non-compliance with industry or regulatory labeling and/or marketing codes | FB-NB-270a.3 | Appropriate Information Disclosure > Voluntary Recalls | |
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with marketing and/or labeling practices | FB-NB-270a.4 | ー |
Activity Metrics
Activity Metric | Code | Response |
Volume of products sold | FB-AB-000.A FB-NB-000.A |
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Number of production facilities | FB-AB-000.B FB-NB-000.B |
Editorial Policy on Sustainability Information > Organizations |
Total fleet road miles traveled | FB-AB-000.C FB-NB-000.C |
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